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What Can I Do to Help My Office Become More Energy Efficient?

Practicing energy efficiency is a worthy goal for any business to have. If you’re stuck trying to think of ways

sustainability consultingPracticing energy efficiency is a worthy goal for any business to have. If you’re stuck trying to think of ways to improve your office environment, rely on these tips to help promote energy innovation at your job.

Upgrade your appliances

You might think you’re saving money by using an outdated refrigerator and microwave, but these old appliances are costing you more in the long run. Switching to Energy Star rated products will streamline your office’s efficiency and contribute to a smaller environmental impact.

In fact, simply switching to energy efficient appliances can save a household up to $500 per year on electric bills. In an office environment, these savings could be even more.

Change your lighting

The cost of replacing your light bulbs can quickly add up. On top of that, these outdated forms of lighting release most of their energy in the form of heat, wasting your resources. By upgrading to eco-friendly fluorescent bulbs, you will save your office money in the long run.

Compact fluorescent lamps, known as CFLs, are one of the leading forms of eco-friendly lights available commercially. These bulbs shine brighter and last longer than their inefficient counterparts. In fact, it’s estimated that a CFL uses 75% less energy than an incandescent bulb. This simple switch saves you time and effort in the long term.

Get an energy audit

An energy audit will help identify points of improvement in your workplace. This includes your water use, heating and cooling costs, insulation, and more. After an extensive energy audit, your energy consultant will point out problems in your company’s energy use and suggest a plan for improvement.

This could be as simple as HVAC maintenance or as complicated as installing a microgrid. For example, your energy consulting company may recommend that you install solar energy to save money. This can also turn into a great marketing opportunity when you highlight your green business practices. Many people are willing to spend more on a sustainable company that tries to reduce their carbon footprint. Rely on sustainability consulting when you want to learn how to become energy independent.

For more information on energy solutions and energy efficiency, rely on the sustainability consulting offered by Energy Professionals. Whether you’re trying to save money or reduce your impact on our climate, Energy Professionals can help. Contact us today.

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Energy Professionals is committed to finding its customers the best possible rates on electricity and natural gas. Tell us your location and service type and our energy manager will connect you to the most competitive offers.

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