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A Simple Trick to Detect Vampire Appliances

A quick recap on vampire appliances Just to quickly re-hash what we’re covering. We’re talking about office vampires, but not

A quick recap on vampire appliances

Just to quickly re-hash what we’re covering. We’re talking about office vampires, but not the blood-thirsty ones that lurk around during the night… when no one’s in the office (yes those probably exist too). 

We’re talking about the ones that eat and waste electricity in your office every single day; even when they’re not officially “on”.

All they need to do is sink two sharp teeth (also known as a plug) into they wall or a power strip and they begin to use electricity even when not in use. 

The first step in slaying these vampire appliances is to detect them! How do you know the difference between normal office equipment and the energy-sucking vampire appliances?

A simple trick

While not applicable to every kind of vampire appliance, most will have a “brick” or a “wall wart”. 

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A wall wart is a device, such as a cellphone charger, that has a large plug.

Left plugged in, wall warts consume energy even when the appliance they are connected to are not not being used.

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A brick is a large black box that is often found on cords used with laptop computers, televisions and some other appliances. Left plugged in, these bricks use energy continuously; even when the appliance if off.

Some other vampire appliances could be:

Unused computers
Plugged in laptops (if not actively charging)
Printers and ink jets
DVR, VCR, DVD players
Coffee makers
Devices that turn on via remote control
Any device with a standby light or clock
Answering Machines
Fax Machines
Wireless Phones
Flat screen TVs

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