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Bill Gates Funds Secret Solar Project

An Energy Miracle That Gate’s was calling for better, more affordable and more reliable energy production was already being talked

An Energy Miracle

That Gate’s was calling for better, more affordable and more reliable energy production was already being talked about in 2015. Specifically, renewable solutions that could provide the amount of energy we need, that didn’t produce harmful emissions all while costing less than conventional coal-burning processes. What Gate’s called an energy miracle. 

"We need innovation that gives us energy that's cheaper than todays hydro-carbon energy, that has zero CO2 emission, and is as reliable as todays' overall energy system. And when you put all those requirements together you go, WOW we need an energy miracle." - Gates (2015)

In that same interview, Gate’s goes onto to say that, “miracles in science, miracles are happening all the time.” eluding to the fact that although we needed a miracle, nothing was out of reach. 

A secret energy startup achieves a solar breakthrough

Backed by Bill Gates along with BioTech billionaire, Patrick Soon-Shiong, Heliogen – a clean energy company that emerged out of nowhere this past Tuesday – announced it discovered and created a way to use AI and mirrors to reflect sunlight in such a way that it generates extreme heat, enough to replace fuel for major industrial purposes. 

Essentially, a solar oven capable of reaching temperatures past 100 degrees Celsius, that produces energy and fuel. Read the full article. 

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