Energy Independence. More Choice. Less Waste.
PA Health Care Facility Realizes Significant Energy Savings
Energy Savings for One of Our Most Important Industries
Why Energy Savings Means More Now Than Ever Before
With the United States at a near-standstill, businesses are scrambling to find ways to get back on their feet, with a primary focus on how to reduce costs. With energy being one of the biggest expenses for the average American business, Energy Professionals is teaming with our Channel Partners to help businesses see immediate savings. By procuring the best natural gas and electricity rates, we’re not only helping realize immediate savings and building strong relationships.
How The Market Impacts Energy Pricing
Because natural gas is the largest source of energy, energy and natural gas pricing are closely related. That’s why at Energy Professionals our market analysis tracks the energy market and issues time updates; to keep you informed and to give us information on the best time to enter into long-term energy agreements.

Case in Point: Pennsylvania Healthcare Facility Realizes $150K in Savings over a Three-Year Period
Last week, we conducted a free energy audit on energy bills from a Pennsylvania-basedhealthcare facility. Expecting a reduction in energy prices, the facility managers wereshocked when we found that the facility was paying double what it should for electricity.By finding competitive pricing, Energy Professionals was able to bring their rates fromover 13 cents per KWH down to 6 cents per KWH – a projected savings of over $150Kover the span of their three-year contract.
How Does It Work?

To start our free energy cost analysis, any business or company can send in a copy of their recent electricity and natural gas bills.

On receipt, Energy Professionals locates the best natural gas and electricity pricing and prepares a presentation along with projected savings.

From our analysis, we present the information to you and consult on the best rates and contract terms available.

What States Have Energy Choice?
Washington DC
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
Energy Professionals
Founded in 1999, Energy Professionals is one of North America’s leading energy consultants working with commercial customers to reduce and control their energy budgets. We build client-specific, comprehensive energy strategies that factor in our clients’ goals and objectives. Utilizing our extensive network of suppliers, energy efficiency experts and renewable energy partners, we bring the most effective, efficient and innovative technologies to the table. We offer both focused solutions to a specific issue and broad plans to address long-term growth, paving the way for energy independence, providing more choice and less waste.