How to Save Money with the Help of a Professional, Independent Energy Consultant

Many companies are not aware of the advantages of utilizing a professional, independent energy consultant in contracting for their energy

How to Take Full Advantage of Energy Deregulation

Many states in the USA have deregulated the supply of electricity and natural gas. This gives the consumer options for

Rates are Very Low from an Historical Perspective

In my January 6th Energy Alert I summarized the performance of Natural Gas and Electricity rates in 2014 and discussed

The Death of Coal

Move over coal….now there’s something cleaner, but will it be cheaper? As originally reported by the Associated Press,  more than

Natural Gas and Electricity prices

The purpose of this article is to help you view Natural Gas and Electricity prices from a cyclical and historical

Winter Update

In this Energy Alert I will review Natural Gas and Electricity rates in 2014 and discuss what we will likely

Mild December Give Hedgers Early Christmas Gift

In my November 11th Energy Alert, I stated similar to last year the pullback we were experiencing would be brief

Buy the Rumor Sell the Fact

In my October 17th Energy Alert, I stated an extraordinary buying opportunity might present itself shortly. You can access this

Potential Slingshot Rally

In my August 15th and September 12th Energy Alerts, I discussed seasonal factors supporting hedging your cost of Natural Gas

Probability of a Seasonal Rally?

In my August 15th Energy Alert, I discussed the seasonal factors supporting hedging your cost of Natural Gas and Electricity

Factors Supporting Seasonal Buying Opportunity

In my July 21st and July 25th Energy Alerts, I explained why based on current supply levels, Natural Gas is

Monitoring 8 -14 Day Temperature Forecast

In my last Energy Alert written 4 days ago I stated based on current supply levels, Natural Gas is extremely

Hedge Natural Gas and Electricity Based on Their Valuation

In my last Energy Alert written 10 days ago I stated we were near completion of a perfect scenario in

Perfect Scenario Nearing Completion

In my last Energy Alert on June 24th I said a close below $4.40 in Natural Gas could trigger a

Early Summer Update for Natural Gas and Electricity

My Energy Alerts primarily refer to Natural Gas, but my analysis also pertains to Electricity because of its high price

Risk/Reward Analysis from an Historical Perspective

In this Energy Alert I will review my analysis of Natural Gas and Electricity rates over the last year and

The Key to Natural Gas & Electricity Rates in 2014

In this Energy Alert I will discuss Natural Gas and Electricity recent price history, and factors that may influence rates

Long-term perspective of Natural Gas & Electricity

In this Energy Alert I will discuss Natural Gas and Electricity from a longer-term perspective along with appropriate strategies for