It is widely believed that Thomas Edison was the inventor of the very first light bulb in 1879? The actual
Will Tesla’s Commercial Battery Eventually Phase Out Local Utility Companies
Tesla has unveiled their “Powerwall” energy storage unit to the public. This technology breakthrough could lead to a long term
Fusion: The Ultimate Green Energy
Utilizing fusion to generate our electricity would change the world. We would be able to power our cities with miniature
Will Tech Companies Forward Thinking Drive Utilities Out of the Energy Market?
Apple and Google getting involved! Within the period of one day, two of the most recognized brands in the world
Can The Ocean Solve The U.S. Demand For Energy?
How Can This Technology Change Other Important Global Issues Why This is Important: The oceans cover more than 70% of
What Effects Will This Have On Your Bottom Line? On June 2, 2014, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), issued its
Is The World Finally Ready To Go Green?
Two of the most talked about topics related to energy in the world today are renewable energy, and energy efficiency.