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Energy News & Video Channel

Check out our videos!

Our Core Solutions in Video

View some of our core solutions in full color with our animated videos. Helping you to better understand how we help reduce your energy costs, imporve energy efficiency and help you reach your energy sustainability goals.

Introduction: How We Help You

Our Difference

Residential Solar

Commercial Solar

Energy Professionals Grand Opening (previously, North American Energy Advisory)

Hundreds gathered as Energy Professionals – previously known as the North American Energy Advisory – opens their new head quarters Clearwater, Florida.

“North American Energy Advisory represents a team of outstanding energy consultants known as one of the top energy consulting firms in North America.” – Clearwater Vice Mayor Mr. Jay Polglaze

Education: Knowledge Is Power

At Energy Professionals, Knowledge Is Power. That’s why education is so important in our efforts to help you become energy independent, giving you all the information you need to be able to make the best choice for your energy needs and your energy budget. Our energy savings solutions and energy efficiency programs all aim to give you more choice and less waste. 

Here you can find short information videos presented by Energy Professional’s CEO, Jim Mathers. 

Lean more about Energy Professionals, how we can help reduce your energy bills and find out more about our energy efficiency programs.

Video: What is Energy "Deregulation"

Watch this 3 minute video to better understand how you can benefit from energy deregulation.

Charity Events and Partnerships

Our efforts to help extend far beyond our work to help thousands of businesses and commercial energy consumers reduce their energy costs and become energy efficient. From key partnerships to community events, Energy Professionals works to give back to the community by supporting our troops, working with Dunkin’ Brands and the Joy in Childhood Foundation and many other programs to help raise funds ans resolve problems of every day living.  

Jim's Blue-Folder Report: 60 Second Energy Video News

Stay informed with our 60 second video energy news. Presented by Energy Professional’s CEO, Jim Mathers. Here you will find late breaking energy news in 60 second video clips. Covering important factors, recent developments and events that directly impact millions of energy consumers across North America.

Find Out More About How To Reduce Your Energy Bills

Choose Your Energy Supplier

Energy Professionals is committed to finding its customers the best possible rates on electricity and natural gas. Tell us your location and service type and our energy manager will connect you to the most competitive offers.

Switching to an alternate supplier is easy. There is no chance of service disruption, and you'll continue with your current utility for energy delivery and emergency service. Take a few minutes to discover your best offers, and enjoy the benefits of retail energy in your home or business.

1. Energy Type

2. Service Type

3. Zip Code