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Florida Could See Energy Deregulation by 2020

Florida’s Energy Choice Amendment Collects More Than 384,700 Signatures A proposed amendment that changes Florida’s energy industry works to appear

Florida's Energy Choice Amendment Collects More Than 384,700 Signatures

A proposed amendment that changes Florida’s energy industry works to appear in the 2020 ballot. 

As of Thursday morning, 8 August 2019,  Citizens for Energy Choices (CFEC), an organization pushing for an “open and competitive energy market” announced it had two-thirds of the 766,200 signatures needed for ballot access. 

The CFEC titled the proposed amendment Right to Competitive Energy Market for Customers of Investor-Owned Utilities.

If this amendment passes, it will heavily change Florida’s energy market. The right to a competitive market, also known as energy deregulation, allows energy customers (YOU) to choose a retail electrical supplier, meaning the company that supplies your electricity. 

Most of Florida’s energy is currently supplied and delivered by investor-owned utilities. The main four being Florida Power & Light, Duke Energy, Tampa Electric and Gulf Power.

Florida Power & Light
Duke Energy
Tampa Electric
Gulf Power

While the amendment is also seeing some opposition, many U.S. states have already been operating as deregulated energy markets giving both residential and commercial energy customers choice, resulting in budget predictability and savings.

New York Saves Half-A-Billion $

For example, a recent review of New York’s deregulated energy market showed that prior to deregulation, the state had 22% more energy stored on hand then it needed to cover capacity and periods of peak load. Energy deregulation allowed New York to reduce that cushion to 17%, reducing overhead costs by about $540 Million. 

A Big Success in Texas

Texas reports energy deregulation as a Big Success. 

After a decade of weathering the storm of residential electric deregulation in Texas, consumers in the state’s competitive markets are finally seeing the promise of deregulation — a lot of power, a lot of choice and cheap electricity rates.

What Energy Deregulation Means for Florida

Energy deregulation will give Florida electric customers, both residential and commercial, choice and independence in who supplies their energy. 

Having access to competitive rates, Florida residence will see reduced electric bills and predictability when it comes to long-term budgeting for your home or office.  

What Can You Right Now To Lower Your Electric Bill?

What does Florida have in abundance? Sun

With solar technology prices declining by 300 times since it’s commercial use and a 30% federal tax credit, going solar not only makes sense, it has rewards. 

Going solar gives you energy independence, no electric and CAN BE DONE WITH LITTLE TO NO UP FRONT COSTS.

Choose Your Energy Supplier

Energy Professionals is committed to finding its customers the best possible rates on electricity and natural gas. Tell us your location and service type and our energy manager will connect you to the most competitive offers.

Switching to an alternate supplier is easy. There is no chance of service disruption, and you'll continue with your current utility for energy delivery and emergency service. Take a few minutes to discover your best offers, and enjoy the benefits of retail energy in your home or business.

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