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How to Make a New Year’s Resolution Stick

Towards the end of each year, or at the beginning of every new year, people and business review the year

Towards the end of each year, or at the beginning of every new year, people and business review the year that just passed as well as the upcoming year and make new year’s resolutions and decisions about what they want to do differently, what they want to change, and what they want to achieve.

Businesses often include growth and expansion plans as part of these resolutions.

At a personal level, the most common new year resolutions tend to be to exercise more, to lose weight, to eat healthier, to get organized, and often people decide to learn something new.

Be it for your business, or for yourself, have you ever struggled to stick to a new year’s resolution? Or have you ever found yourself making that same resolution year after year, only this year “you’re really going to do it”?

At Energy Professionals, we’re in the business of helping you and your business find better and lower energy rates and we also help you find ways to waste less energy, spend less, and be more sustainable.

But since one of our resolutions is to help you and your business grow, we thought it would be helpful to put together this article, and video, to list out three reasons why new year resolutions don’t stick and three things that can help you make good new year resolutions that will stick!

Three Main Reasons New Year Resolutions Don’t Stick

To start with, let’s take a quick look at why it’s important to make a new year’s resolution.

The simple truth is that the decisions you make have a big impact on your life and your business. While maybe last year wasn’t the best year ever, not everything about it was bad.

Starting off any new year should include a quick review of the year that just passed and spotting the good things that happened, the right decisions you made, and the things you achieved.

Having some goals, plans, and resolutions will help you to steer your life and your business in the right direction. Unfortunately, you’ve probably realized not every decision you made on New Years’ stuck. So here are three simple reasons why your decisions may not be sticking:

  1. You or your business weren’t really ready to make the change you decided on or you didn’t need it that bad. It sounds kind of harsh but it’s fundamentally true that if you really want something you are going to achieve it. Many of our new year’s resolutions fail within the first few weeks of the new year. That’s because we must not have really wanted them as bad as we thought; or rather, other priorities and decisions took precedence. To help you with this, skip the “it would be nice to haves” and the “it would be great if we” and make decisions that are realistic and reachable for you and your business and decide on goals that you really want to achieve.
  2. Sometimes making a change in your life or your business requires you to give up something else. A simple example of this is weight loss, which often involves giving up time so you can exercise, and giving up many eating habits that you’re used to. Often, new year’s resolutions don’t stick because when you make them you don’t review what you need to change or give up in order to achieve them.
  3. Now that you’ve made a realistic and achievable decision or goal, one that you really want to reach, and you’ve reviewed what changes and what things you need to give up in order to reach it, you now need to start planning, working on it, and most importantly tracking your progress. If you want to grow your business, start setting sub-goals, and monitor your progress and growth through analytics and metrics each week or each month. Tracking your progress towards your goal will not only help you achieve it but will show you when you need to step up your game. Reversely, seeing steady progress will boost your morale and ability to continue. Realize many goals you set will not be achieved overnight but will be achieved through steady progress over the course of months or the entire year. Tracking your progress will help you move closer to your goals.

Three Tips to Help You Make Good New Year’s Resolutions

There is such a positive aspect of making new year’s resolutions! Be it for yourself or for your business, here are three simple things you can do to make good resolutions that will stick!

  1. Make your new year’s resolution specific. If you want to grow your business, be specific about what area you want to grow and how much you want to grow it by. You can even break this down into monthly growth and small sub-goals that need to be achieved in order to arrive there. If you want to find a husband or a wife, be specific about what they should be like and what they will look like, or how you will feel when you are with them. Our point is to try to be specific when you are nailing down your goal.
  2. Dream big but a plan! Any goal or decision has behind its smaller steps that need to be taken to arrive there. Deciding or making a resolution is very important but looking at how you will actually achieve it will help you greatly in reaching it! Write this plan down and review and revise it throughout the year to help you reach your resolution, goal, or decision.
  3. Enhance yourself. Resolutions often involve growth, change, or achieving a new state of some kind. Well, if you knew everything about how to get there you’d probably already be there. Finding a mentor, following a motivational person within that field, reading books, or watching videos, joining a group, enrolling in a course, and many other methods of enhancing your knowledge within the field or subject of your goal will greatly help you reach it. If you want to eat better, learn more about what a healthy diet is, and how to cook healthy meals that taste good. If you want to grow your business, enroll in a course to learn more about it, or follow a business mentor who can give you some ideas about how to grow. Enhancement is a great road to growth and a fantastic way to achieve new goals.

We hope that this article and this video were helpful in making a resolution that will stick! We wish you, your family, and your company a prosperous new year and look forward to working with you to find lower energy rates for your business and ways to waste less energy, be more sustainable, and become more energy independent.

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