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Indiana Utilities Offer Energy Efficiency Incentive

Indiana Utilities Offer Businesses Up To $100,000 To Implement Energy Efficiency Solutions. In an effort to reduce energy consumption some

Indiana Utilities Offer Businesses Up To $100,000 To Implement Energy Efficiency Solutions.

In an effort to reduce energy consumption some utilities in Indiana are offering businesses up to $100,000 in incentives if they can drive down their energy costs. While energy efficiency solutions may not be something that business owners think about daily; $100,000 is enough to get anybody thinking.

So now that we got you thinking, let us take a quick look at what we mean by energy efficiency.

Simply put Energy Efficiency means using less energy to perform the same task, which is essentially how you increase profit in a business. But when it comes to this program, it’s not just as simple as changing out a few light bulbs – although that would help reduce your energy costs.

So, what kind of energy efficiency solutions are Indiana utilities paying for?

According to Indiana Power and Light:

“IPL helps Indianapolis-area business owners lower their energy consumption and costs by making their business more energy efficient. Prescriptive rebates can help businesses reduce their payback period on new energy-efficient equipment and projects, including lighting, HVAC, and other equipment.”

Specifically, incentives and rebates are being offered for any Energy-Star rated equipment changes or updates that drive down your energy usages, including LED lighting, HVAC replacements or refurbishments, and an overall rebate for every KWH reduced.

Our advice? Do not get left behind; whether you want to replace primitive, inefficient equipment or have a new construction happening, this program can reduce the initial cost of higher efficiency products.

The result of all this is lower energy usage and savings on your bill!

One of the best ways to reduce costs is to reduce spending. However, it is understandable that your business will need enough power to operate.

Energy efficiency will do just that, we can help you maintain the levels of energy your business needs, but intelligently.

Just like technology improves every day and companies jump on the newest upgrades, those who make the update first come out on top. The same goes for the technology of your current energy equipment.

After all, no one is powering their business with candles anymore.

Added Benefits Of Energy Efficiency

Going Green –

Eliminating energy waste, helping the overall environment.

Very simply put, by reducing your energy usage, you can lower the amount of electricity your utility needs to produce, which can effectively reduce your business’s greenhouse gas emissions (and carbon footprint).

Even taking a simple green approach by switching out lighting fixtures can reduce the amount of energy used. In 2018, the ENERGY STAR program for commercial buildings helped businesses and organizations save 190 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, avoid $12 billion in energy costs, and achieve 140 million metric tons of greenhouse gas reductions.1

Getting Money –

Energy-efficient acquisitions should not be viewed as an expense, but as an investment that adds up over the service life of the equipment. Those savings can offset the initial price premium on energy-efficient options and offer a significant return in comparison to conventional, non-efficient alternatives.

Furthermore, the return on your pocket through savings will only increase over time as energy prices continue to rise in the United States.

Lastly, on top of already saving due to efficiency, the money back from the current program is that extra Incentive we want for your business to take advantage of.

Choose Your Energy Supplier

Energy Professionals is committed to finding its customers the best possible rates on electricity and natural gas. Tell us your location and service type and our energy manager will connect you to the most competitive offers.

Switching to an alternate supplier is easy. There is no chance of service disruption, and you'll continue with your current utility for energy delivery and emergency service. Take a few minutes to discover your best offers, and enjoy the benefits of retail energy in your home or business.

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