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The number of participants in the “Maryland Energy Choice Program” has increased over the past few years, primarily due to

The number of participants in the “Maryland Energy Choice Program” has increased over the past few years, primarily due to higher utility default supply rates and alternative energy providers providing lower competitive supply prices. Customers who receive their electric bill from BG&E, PEPCO, Potomac Edison, and Delmarva Power & Light can shop for an electricity and natural gas supplier who might be able to provide a better price than the utility standard default rate. However, the overall switch rate is still low in Maryland, when compared to other electricity choice markets.In the Baltimore region, despite the lowest BG&E electricity suppliers offering rates below the default rate, less than 30% of customers in the area were buying power from a competitive supplier.

Now more than ever, Maryland electricity consumers have a variety of ways to reduce their rising energy costs. If Maryland utilities default supply rate remains higher than competitive prices, as it has been for the past few years, the number of electricity shoppers in the area is expected to see a sharp increase.


Last year, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan vetoed a measure to expand the state’s renewable energy initiatives. This past February, the Maryland Senate overrode that decision, which will increase their renewable portfolio standard (RPS) from 20% to 25% by the year 2020. RPS is he amount of renewable sourced energy that is required to be placed on the Maryland electric grid. Previously, all Maryland electricity providers (both utilities and suppliers) needed to produce renewable energy credits for 15.9% of their supply, with a goal of getting to 20% by 2022. Now, utilities must reach 25% by 2020. The bill will also increase the solar requirement to 2.5% by 2020. This will create more incentives for new, clean energy.

While the direct affect RPS will have on consumer energy rates will not be known for some time, the basic fact of the matter is, when it comes to utility increases, it’s you, the consumer, that ALWAYS foots the bill.


Maryland consumers can benefit right now by choosing an alternative retail electric provider or explore the options of generating their own energy through a solar energy system. Energy providers are coming in with rates that are 10% to 25% lower than the standard utility rate. The cost of going solar is at its lowest point ever. It is in the best interest for consumers to speak with an energy professional and have a no expense to you energy analysis performed on their utility bills.

For the past 18 years, the North American Energy Advisory has been one of the most influential energy procurement and solar advisory firms in the United States. We leverage our strategic energy partners, expertise and market data to help you find the best available options for your energy needs, including electricity and natural gas supply as well as demand response and onsite solar power generation.

Whether you are interested in finding a new lower cost energy provider, or you want more information on how you can “go solar” with no out of pocket cost, contact one of our senior energy advisors today.

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