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Should I Go Solar?

The Fastest Growing Source of Electricity As of 2018, solar power was reported as the fastest growing source of electricity

The Fastest Growing Source of Electricity

As of 2018, solar power was reported as the fastest growing source of electricity in the world. Above you can see entire neighborhoods taking advantage of tax incentives and rebates to install solar panels.

Today, the United States has over 2 million residential, commercial and utility based solar installation that, in a single year, produce enough electricity to power over 13.5 million American homes. With solar now being the fast growing source of electricity in the world, the United States solar industry shows no sign of slowing down. 

Quarter three of 2019 saw it’s best quarter in history and predictions show that solar installations will reach 3 million by 2023 and 4 million by 2024. 

With a rate of about 6 American homes switching to solar every single hour, commercial high rise buildings now installing cutting edge solar windows that create their own electricity, industrial plants installing roof top solar and solar farms, and utilities building mega solar facilities to off set grid power created by burning fossil fuels, the United States is slowly making the switch to renewables.

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The Advantage of Going Solar

Studies show that only two minutes of sun light can provide enough electricity for the entire world for one year. Well, we might as well start using the sun to power our homes, businesses and industrial plants. Apart from complete energy independence; the ability to create your own free energy, here are some of the benefits you can enjoy when switching to solar:

Saving money. Electricity is not only expensive, it’s constantly increasing in price. Switching to solar is an easy way for home owners and business owners to instantly start saving on monthly energy bills. With many financing options available, the average home owner saves $100 a month when they go solar. 

With the average solar installation costing between $11,000 and $14,000 after rebates and tax credits, the average estimated break even period is ten years. That means that many homes and business will not only see instant savings, but once the financing has paid itself off, you will start to see no electric supply bill, eliminating hundreds if not thousands dollars worth of expenses each month. 

Environmentally friendly. Burning coal to make electricity is one of the biggest sources of pollution. Installing solar panels and sourcing your electricity from clean and renewable sources reduces the amount of electricity needed from coal burning power plants. 

With solar installations on the rise, 2019 showed a 2 percent drop in U.S. pollution production and was the second highest year for retiring coal-powered electricity generation. 

Easy financing options. Depending on your location, you may qualify for what’s called a power purchase agreement (PPA). A PPA allows a third  party to pay for and own the actual solar installation. They take care of it’s production and maintenance; allowing you to only pay for the amount of electricity you use; but at a much lower rate than you would pay the utility. 

A PPA allows homes and businesses who do not have the money to invest in or pay for a solar installation to experience immediate benefits. Call (888) 407-3152 and speak to one of our solar consultants to find out if you qualify for a PPA.

Guaranteed performance. Keep in mind NASA has been using solar panels in space for over fifty years. We’re not talking about an unreliable, dinky technology. That’s why most solar panel companies and installers have warranties that cover their installations and solar panels for 20-25 years. However, solar panels will likely continue to work for up to 40 years before needing to be replaced. 

Tax credits and incentives. Recognizing the importance helping home owners and business owners switch to solar, most states have tax credits, rebates and other incentives in place that can help cover up to 30% of the cost of your solar installation.  Call (888) 407-3152 and speak to one of our solar consultants to find out what tax credits, rebates and incentives are available in your state. 


How Do I Know If Solar Is Right For Me?

Energy Professionals’ Solar Consultants offer completely free three dimensional solar designs tailored to your home and can help answer any questions you have about going solar. Here are a few things to consider:

How much energy do you use? On average, how much electricity do you use each month? This is generally measured by kilowatt hours or KWH.  The more electricity you use, the bigger the solar installation will be and potentially the bigger your savings. But whether you use a small amount of electricity or a big amount, it’s worth speaking to an expert to see your options. 

What type of roof do you have? Roof top solar is the most common kind of solar installation. While solar panels can be installed on any kind of roof, installation costs may vary depending on the kind of roof you have. Repairing your old roofs or installing a new roof can also be bundled with your solar project to help save you money. 

Your location. While solar panels are designed to produce energy in most weather conditions, including cloudy days, your position and how much direct sunlight your property receives will determine the placement and number of solar panels you will need in order to offset your electricity usage. As part of our free consultation, our solar consultants will utilize cutting-edge GPS technology to conduct a heat map study of your roof. 

Costs VS Usage. One of the key factors when deciding to switch to solar will be the answer to the question: “is it worth it?”. Depending on your property, it’s location and various other factors, our solar consultants will help draw up the best installation plan and pricing options to help you see if solar is best for you. In the case it is worth it, we can help you through the entire process, including locating the best technology, manufacturer and installers that best fit your needs. 

Should it be the case that you do not see a return on investment by switching to solar, our consultants can help you source your existing electricity from renewable energy production sources. Helping you feel good about the energy you use.

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