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Smart Technology Leads to Smarter Energy Practices

The Energy Arena is Undertaking Dynamic Changes If you’re familiar with a show called The Jetsons, you’ll note that, just

The Energy Arena is Undertaking Dynamic Changes

If you’re familiar with a show called The Jetsons, you’ll note that, just short of flying cars, today we’ve realized most things we once thought were “the future”. 

If you can talk to your phone and use your smart devices to locate and start your car, take measurements, pay at the cashier, monitor and guide your health and fitness goals, connect with friends and family all over the world, video chat and a million other things; why not use those same technologies and devices to monitor your energy use and automate operations for to maximize efficiency?

Your Biggest Expense

Energy, which is to say your lights, your air conditioning, heating and ventilation, and your general power needs comprise the single largest operational expense in commercial office buildings and manufacturing plants. 

Since electricity is not something we can do without, the question becomes:

How much energy is being wasted in your building? Where is it being overused? And most importantly, how can you reduce that?

Welcome to Energy Intelligence.

Modern Meets Energy

A recent article published by Energy CIO Insights shows the energy sector is in the middle of dynamic changes. 

Shifts from conventional and non-renewable sources of energy to green energy solutions that are renewable and environmentally friendly.

Energy is also seeing a parallel development when it comes to technology.

While America continues to see a rise in renewable energy use, some states are seeing legislature that takes renewable energy and solar energy production to a new level; specifically Massachusetts.

Increased digitalization and the emergence of automation, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and increased internet and connectivity bandwidth, such as 5G technology, is creating a significant impact in the way we see, manage and use energy.

Energy Intelligence software platforms can now be installed in any building, manufacturer or industrial plant of any size and with multiple locations.

Already in use in many hotels, restaurants and bars, retail stores, healthcare and manufacturing, cutting-edge energy intelligence technology gives building owners, managers and maintenance supervisors easy access to invaluable insights as well as a way to optimize operations and maximize energy efficiency. 

Compatible with any computer or smart device, you can now:

Client's Who Use Energy Intelligence Are Seeing:

Energy Professionals partners with leading technology providers to bring you revolutionary energy intelligence software to manage your energy, improve efficiency and cut costs.

What Clients Are Saying

"Since going live with automations at the start of 2017, we have seen a constant 10-15% savings compared to last years bills for the same spring months and close to 20% savings during the past two summer months."
energy procurement
Facilities Manager
"We could not have anticipated the huge amount of savings that continues to grow with the implementation of the technology and support."
energy procurement
Operations Manager

Watch the video and learn how you can benefit now

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Energy Professionals is committed to finding its customers the best possible rates on electricity and natural gas. Tell us your location and service type and our energy manager will connect you to the most competitive offers.

Switching to an alternate supplier is easy. There is no chance of service disruption, and you'll continue with your current utility for energy delivery and emergency service. Take a few minutes to discover your best offers, and enjoy the benefits of retail energy in your home or business.

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