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U.S. Leads The World In Petroleum And Natural Gas Production

How This Will Affect You Energy Cost The United States is currently the world’s top producer of petroleum and natural

How This Will Affect You Energy Cost

The United States is currently the world’s top producer of petroleum and natural gas hydrocarbons.

Our nation’s output continues to exceed that of both Russia and Saudi Arabia. Recent growth in Texas and North Dakota since 2008 has resulted a major increase in U.S. oil production. The recent shale oil boom due to hydraulic fracturing is expected to reduce our dependence on oil imports to 22 percent in 2015, the lowest level in 45 years.


In addition to the U.S. shale boom, America, which is the world’s biggest consumer of petroleum, is demanding less and less of it. Right now oil supplies are outstripping demand and causing commodity prices to fall.

What Impact Will This Have On You?

Timing is everything!

Electricity and natural gas rates have been higher 95% of the time over the past 13 years, than they currently are.

North American Energy Advisory works with customers to identify the best energy strategy for their specific needs. Our senior advisors work with you to:

  • Identify what your energy strategy should be based on your budgetary goals and risk tolerance.
  • Determine when will be the correct timing for hedging based on your region, exposure and commodity.
  • What type of energy product will be the best vehicle to reach your objectives?

To find out more information about the energy market, and to get started on building your individual energy strategy, contact one of our Senior Advisors today at  1(800) 920-4631.

Matt Helland 
Sr. VP of Client Relations


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