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When Are We Going to Run Out of Fossil Fuels?

When Are We Going to Run Out of Fossil Fuels? Every day, our lives are facilitated by the products of

When Are We Going to Run Out of Fossil Fuels?

Every day, our lives are facilitated by the products of fossil fuels.

The most common uses of fossil fuels include electricity production, heating, and transportation. Although many homes and business have become environmentally aware of reducing their reliance on fossil fuels from a planet-friendly perspective, we’d like to look at yet another angle:

What happens when we run out of fossil fuels?

Or more specifically, when are we going to run out of fossil fuels, and what role does renewable energy play in a now very important energy transition?

While switching to renewable energy offers an environmentally friendly way to reduce energy costs and find lower energy rates, in this article we are going to take a brief look at the role that renewable energy plays in ensuring homes and businesses continue to have electricity, that cars and transportation can continue to transport, and that heating and cooling remain available for all?

Fossil fuels, including coal, petroleum, natural gas, and oil shales, are produced through a geological process that takes thousands of years. Many studies show that we are using up the existing resources of fossil fuels faster then they are produced by their natural carbon cycle.

The Carbon Cycle

Mined out of the earth’s layers, fossil fuels are burned directly to produce heat for homes or are burned to create steam to drive generators that produce electricity. Today, about 30% of the U.S.’s electricity comes from fossil fuels.

Having a limited supply, many people are concerned that at one-point fossil fuels will run out.

According to one online platform called OctopusEnergy, “If we continue to use these fossil fuels at the current rate without finding additional reserves, it is expected that coal and natural gas will last until 2060. However, the consumption of natural gas grew considerably last year, rising by 4.6%.”

Earth's Fossil Fuel Layers

According to another online resource, EcoElectricity, “Global fossil fuel consumption is on the rise, and new reserves are becoming harder to find. Those that are discovered are significantly smaller than the ones that have been found in the past. Oil reserves are a good example: 16 of the 20 largest oil fields in the world have reached peak level production – they’re simply too small to keep up with global demand.”

When are fossil fuels going to run out?

The Difference Between Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy

Although fossil fuels have long since been the main source of energy throughout the years, and still are today, the transition to renewable is made possible because fossil fuels can’t be easily replenished and also because they are harmful to our environment in many ways. Renewable energy, having a virtually limitless supply and being far less harmful for our environment, is quickly paving the for a safer and more affordable source of energy and fuel. Many countries and many states have made plans to operate from 100% renewably sourced energy by 2050.

MYTH BUSTER: Today, many homes and business owners would like to use renewable energy however believe that renewable energy is expensive and unreliable. Today, the solar, wind, and hydropower industries are seeing a steady climb because they are more affordable than old fossil fuel burning methods. And when it comes to reliability, with the increase in power outages all over the U.S., renewable energy and microgrids not only provide a way for homes and businesses to reduce energy costs but also offer increase energy reliability.

Energy Professionals offer lower energy rates through renewable energy solutions. To find out more set an appointment to speak to one of our Certified Energy Managers today.


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