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You’re Wasting Electricity Without Realizing It

Vampire’s Found New Food… You’ve got vampires in your building every single day; only you don’t see them because they’re

Vampire's Found New Food...

You’ve got vampires in your building every single day; only you don’t see them because they’re not dressed like Count Dracula, they’re no afraid of sunlight, they don’t ever sleep, they don’t have sharp teeth and the worst part is, they’ve changed their diet! … kind of scary right?!

So, what do these new-age office vampires look like? Where are they hiding? And what are they eating?

Well, to start with, they’re not hiding. They’re in plain sight! They’re everywhere around you! And they’re eating even if they don’t look like they are. 

In fact, if you know what they look like you can spot them easily. So, what do they look like? 

Do these look familiar?

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Vampires disguised as office equipment? No… not quite. The office equipment are the vampires. Known as vampire equipment or vampire appliances; they eat electricity!

What are office vampires?

Energy Professionals, Energy Consultant, Energy Advisor, Energy Broker, Energy Consulting Firm, Reduce My Electric Bill, Reduce My Electricity Bills, Pay Less For Electricity, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Solutions, Energy Efficiency Solutions, Solar, Solar Power, Go Solar, Energy Savings, Energy Services, HVAC Refurb, HVAC Refurbishment, Save on Energy, Energy Intelligence, Smart Energy, Go Green, Energy Procurement, Natural Gas, Electricity Rates, Lower My Electrical Rates, Reduce My Electrical Rates, Electrical Rates, Deregulated Energy, Energy Choice

Vampire appliance” or “Vampire Equipment” refers to any appliance that uses electricity even when it’s not in use. 

This list can include computers, TVs, the VCRs and DVD players in the conference room, microwaves in the lunch room, printers, and coffee makers, among others. 

When these devices are plugged in, they are still receiving electricity just to be in standby mode.

How to slay office vampires!

Now that you know what they look like, it’s time to turn you into a vampire slayer! But before you whip out the garlic, the cross, the hammer and stake, let’s take a quick look at the easiest way to detect vampire appliances. Click here to learn a simple trick to detect a vampire appliance within seconds.

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